Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pensive-induced insomnia

So I was really tired and ready for bed but as I got under the covers I started my usual pondering. I started thinking about how I'm really considering leaving NYC sooner than later and whether or not this is the right choice. Do I give living here more of a chance? I always believe that time is money and at my age I can't afford to waste any of it. However, I then started wondering what it would be like if I did leave and go to CA. I started kind of thinking about the possibility of things not working out once I'm out there. Really I think I'm just getting cold feet because it would be a complete new start. Changes like these always excite me but a little part of me also tends to get a bit scared. I suppose that's natural. All I know is that I'm not feeling being here right now. I think a big part of it is that I've met too many jerks and this is discouraging for me. I also miss driving my car and I just don't get to do that enough out here. I feel like I spend most of my life in the subway and I'm not a fan.

Blah, I really need to take a break from thinking and get to sleep.

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