Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Where are you?

Today the weather was really warm. You can tell that Spring is right around the corner and I don't like it. Whenever temperatures rise, the number of annoying couples out in public tends to multiply greatly and this is the last thing you want to see when you're single. I'm sure that judging from my previous posts you can tell that I strongly dislike being single and as a result, I hate Spring! I'm tired of being the single one and do not intend on being single forever but being that I've decided not to date until I move out of NYC, it will be a while before I am once again in a relationship.

Right now I can't seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel but one day I will hopefully find someone that can truly make me happy. Sometimes I think about that and I wonder where this person is. Where is he and what is he doing right now? Is he wondering the same thing about me? How much longer must I wait before we meet? Some days feel like that day will never come, but I have to remain hopeful that one day I shall find my one.