Saturday, August 11, 2007

The disadvantages of losing weight

So as I've mentioned before I've taken up running since moving to South Florida. The main goal was to get in better shape and of course to lose a few pounds. Fortunately it's been working. I have no idea how many pounds I've dropped but I know I've lost weight because all my pants are too big for me now. I was a size 6 when I first moved here and am now a size 4. As great as that is that means that I now have nothing to wear. Yesterday I decided I'd attempt to go jean shopping at Loehmanns. They usually have cool designer jeans for pretty cheap so I was sure Id find something but I was wrong. I looked through all the jeans they had and there was not one pair in my size. Apparently everyone else is also a size 4. I guess I'll have to keep rotating the 3 pairs of jeans that do fit me. Maybe I'll find some cool jeans in NYC. Century 21, here I come!

1 comment:

Ann said...

When I lost weight I had to buy all new pants. And I lost 34 pounds!
Luckily I only had to buy new pants. In my shopping sprees I also bought some new tops--not that I really had to.