Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Those who know me are aware of the fact that I am feeling lost careerwise. It's nothing new really, I've been feeling this way for the past year or so if not longer. Lately the feeling's been stronger because I'm not happy at work and the other day I realized that I am six months into the 30th year of my life. It's time to get my act together and figure something out once and for all. If only it were that easy. :/

I am at a scary point in my life. I'm living in a still relatively new place, working somewhere I no longer want to work at and feeling uncertain about what my next move should be, not to mention the fact that I owe a lot more money than I would like. This is definitely not where I expected to be at my age. When I was a teenager I thought I would have my life figured out by the time I was in my 30's. Silly me.

Anyway, a friend of mine suggested some books that might help me find myself which I will read. I always thought it was so stupid when people said "I'm trying to find myself" but now I totally understand what that means. I kind of wish I didn't.

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