Thursday, December 6, 2007


I haven't updated my blog in so long that I feel obligated to do so. I've had several topics in mind since my last posting but I've just been either unmotivated or too busy with work. I don't even think anyone reads this but someone must since my counter keeps going up, even if it is gradual.

Anyway, the most interesting thing that's happened is me making the decision that I don't want to live in Florida much longer. Although I've learned to accept some things, I realize now that I don't want to be here for good. At my age one should figure these things out because this is the time when most people settle in the place of their choice. I feel like I'm lagging behind in this aspect of my life, but whatever, you can't change past mistakes.

There are other changes about to take place in my life that I do not wish to discuss at this time, but stay tuned, fellow readers (whoever you may be)!

1 comment:

Ann said...

I check on you to see if you have updated.
Hey, I am not settled yet. No worries. Decide that whenever you are ready. Doesn't matter when that is.
Keep me updated.