Thursday, December 6, 2007

What do I want for Christmas?

I keep forgetting that it's almost Christmas. Perhaps because it's always hotter than hell (OK well maybe not hell) in Florida. I have yet to buy one gift or send out one card. I most likely won't do cards again this year, so if you're my friend and you're reading this, don't be offended that I didn't send you a card. I'm just a little bit out of it this year. If only I could find the two boxes of Christmas cards I bought at Target 2 years ago to prevent this from happening. Someday I'll find them. Probably when I'm packing to move away from here.

Anyway, I can't think of what I would want for Christmas this year. I think I have most of the material things I want for now. Cold weather would be nice. Ok that sounds good. I want a cold front (a real cold front, none of this upper 60 degrees crap that people seem to think is cold) to come through and drop the temperature down to 50 degrees or less so I can wear my Kenneth Cole leather jacket! :) If not, a one-way ticket to NYC. ;)

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