Monday, March 3, 2008

On Vaca...

So yesterday was the official start to my vacation. I'm taking 9 consecutive days off from work just to do some things around the house and to have time to myself. One of the most annoying things about telling people that you're taking vacation time is them asking you "where are you going?" as if going somewhere is mandatory. I can't tell you how many people have asked me that question within the past week or so and then reacted surprised or disappointed upon finding out that, no, I am not going away anywhere. Is it really that unheard of to just take time to get some things taken care of or even to just get away from work? I will be spending my week posting items on ebay (lord knows I have a million things to sell), running errands and just spending time with Prince. Little things like that take a lot of time and when you work crazy hours like I do, they don't always get done. Ebay alone takes a lot of time (taking pics, posting listings, responding to people's questions, going to the post office) but I guess people don't think about those things. Anyway, I wouldn't mind just taking the week off doing absolutely nothing but lounging at home but that's not going to happen. Lots to do if I want to move to NYC!

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