Friday, November 28, 2008

The disadvantage of working retail

I've been working in retail for 6 years now (scary) and although I manage to survive doing so, there are many disadvantages for working in this industry, especially during the holidays. Sure this time of year is what we all look forward to because this is the time of year when we make the most money, but it's also the time of year when we all pretty much become slaves to whatever company we work for. There is no 4-day Thanksgiving weekend, or 4-day Christmas weekend, or even flying home for any of the end-of-the-year holidays because that would mean not being at work and unless you want to be fired, that is not really an option. Now, I've never been one to care much about the holidays, but after not having a life for so long, it's starting to get to me. I want to have the option to go home and be with my family if I choose to do so. And I want to have a 4-day weekend to do nothing but sadly, if I continue to work in this industry, that will never really be an option for me. Don't get me wrong, there are things I like about what do, but I don't want to do this for the rest of my life (if I ever really want to have one). Then again I never planned on doing this for as long as I have. I guess there are worse things in life, like being unemployed for 9 months (been there, done that). Anyway, I guess I'm just rambling at this point. I'm just feeling annoyed at the fact that I can't do what I really want to do right now. Someday...

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