Sunday, December 14, 2008

Revisiting my geekdom

So this week I have been in flashback mode. Why? Well as you all know I am on facebook and someone on there decided to create a group for people who used to chat on these telnet chatrooms back when I was in college. The original chatroom was called the megadiner. This was a chatroom for fans of the band Megadeth. Later that chat shut down and others called The Promised Land and The Tavern were created. I was a regular on all of them. I spent many hours on these chats during college and even met some of my chatroom buddies irl. (in real life for those of you who aren't as geeky ;) Anyway, after college ended, those chats did as well and most of us lost touch. I hadn't thought much about any of this until this week when I was invited to join the group on facebook. It's been so much fun talking to people who I hadn't heard from in a long time and seeing what everyone's up to. To make things even more fun, they set up an IRC chatroom for us to use and the first day it was up, I literally spent about 8 hours on there. I totally lost track of time but it was a lot of fun. When I told some of my regular friends about, it they thought I was a total geek for being on a chat all day but I don't care. So have geekish tendencies. Deal with it! ;)

Anyway, here is the link to the facebook group site:
GlobalPromised Land and Tavern Alumni (and old original Megadiner crew!)

The megadiner chat lives on!! ;)

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