Monday, June 29, 2009

Running for my life!

Since I am currently unemployed, I can't really do too many things that require spending a lot of money because I have no idea how long it will take me to find a job(with this economy, I'm guessing forever?). I decided that I should start running consistently again like I did when I lived in FL. I had kind of stopped for a while but about a week ago, I started going to Marine Park (the least frightening park in Brooklyn). It's actually a pretty nice park in a pretty nice area by Brooklyn standards.

At first I'd go running in the early evening because it wasn't as hot but also not completely dark. I always loved running after dark but something about doing that in Brooklyn just sounds wrong. However, tonight I decided to do the unthinkable and went running at night! I figured, I may never find anyone to go running with me at night and really, who cares? If something bad is meant to happen to me it'll happen regardless of where I am. And now that I've done it, I can honestly say that it wasn't scary at all. There were a lot of people in the park and I'll most definitely do it again. I think the key to maintaining my sanity will be to live my life as close to the way I want to live it despite my current location (and stay thin in the process ;).

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